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Thursday, 15 August 2013

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom

Rajyog Meditation - राजयोग मेडिटेशन   at  00:54  No comments

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom
Two Big companies two great phones let’s see what sets them apart from each other. Where the Lumia 1020 comes with a 41 megapixel camera with 6x optical zoom the Samsung S4 zoom comes with a 16 megapixel camera with 10x optical zoom.

The Samsung s4 zoom looks more like a camera with at a phone measuring 4.9 x 2.5 x 1.06 inches while on the other hand Nokia’s Lumia 1020 looks sexier maintaining a sleek dimensions 5.1 x 2.8 x 0.41inches in this department Lumia 1020 takes a lead.

Coming to the displays both phones have to offer ,the Lumia 1020 sports a bright, colourful, 4.5-inch and 1280 x 768 AMOLED Pure Motion display however the display looks dimmer and oversaturated while on the other hand the Samsung S4 zoom has a 4.3-inch 960 x 540 qHD Super AMOLED screen which shows good saturation and vibrant colors in this department Samsung S4 zoom gets it all right.

 Under the hood the Lumia 1040 sports a 1.5 GHz dual core snapdragon processor with 2GB ram while the Samsung s4 zoom has an 1.5 GHz Dual core processor with 1.5 GB ram however since android phones are more power hungry then windows phones the s4 zoom suffers from some lags while the Lumia 1020 works like a charm, in this department the Lumia 1020 gets a thumbs up.

Now coming to the very reason both these devices where made for , the camera performance of both these phones are good but as usual there will be only one winner where the Samsung S4 zoom shines at zoom the phone takes a hit at daylight and indoor photography where the Lumia 1020 comes out with flying colours , in this department Lumia is a clear winner .

The Lumia comes with an 2000mAh battery while the Samsung S4 zoom comes with a 2330 mAh however given this the Lumia still has a greater battery life , this one again goes to the Lumia 1020. So overall the Nokia Lumia looks a better option .

There are some image samples clicked from both the phones via.

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom
Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom
 Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs. Samsung S4 Zoom

 - Written by Randolph Pereira


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