Micromax went on to become the number two smartphone vendor in India
by acquiring 22 % market share in the second quarter according to IDC
(International Data Corporation) numbers. Micromax went on to ship 2
million smartphones and grew by 4 % since the first quarter of 2013
.According to IDC, growth in the phablet market and Micromax expanding
its Canvas series has led to the growth of the company. Micromax
increased its share from 18.8% in the last quarter to 22%.Micromax
co-founder Rahul Sharma in an interview said Micromax is poised to
become the number one smartphone vendor in India by the Q3. He also
said the company will sell 2.5 million handsets by the next quarter and
the company is among the two three vendors in Bangladesh and Sri- Lanka
and is searching for new markets.